terms and conditions


1. Introduction


Please read the Terms and Conditions carefully before using or browsing the Application or Website; As it contains important information regarding your legal rights, means of compensation, and your obligations, you must read these terms and agree to their content, in addition to the complementary terms, which are an integral part of the total terms and conditions applicable when using the sera car website.


Key terms and definitions:


The definitions and rules of interpretation contained in this clause apply to all texts listed below, as well as the complementary and referenced terms

All of them are subject to the terms and conditions.


Its website >> It is the arena or electronic mediator through which Seera Car offers its services to users.


Reservation >> The arrangements agreed between the Renter and the Landlord in relation to the rental of any Vehicle under these Terms and Conditions and as set out in the Seera Rental Agreement Form.


Vehicle >> any vehicle listed on the Website by the Owner/Vehicle Owner) pending completion of the verification procedures applied by Seera and the Owner/Vehicle Owner specifying the vehicle rental preferences on the Website.


Daily price >> The monetary value determined by the owner / or the owner of the car to rent his car for one day, and the market value of the vehicle is a direct factor in determining the daily price, and the owner determines the daily price within a framework based on the market value of the vehicle.


Disciplinary action >> Actions taken by the Sierra Car team in light of misuse and general objectionable behavior between car owners and renters.


“Delivery date >> the date, time and place agreed upon by the users to carefully examine the vehicle and fill in the end-of-trip inspection form, which is the time when the renter returns the vehicle to its owner and the owner receives his vehicle, announcing the end of the rental period.


Seera Car Agreement >> The agreement between Seera and the tenant that governs the relationship arising between them, whereby Seera agrees to register the tenant on the website in exchange for the tenant fulfilling his obligations under these terms and conditions.


Sierra Rental Agreement >> The agreement form required to be used by the landlord and the tenant, which includes all reservation information as it appears and is shown on the website.


Sierra Car Commission >> This is the profit rate of the company (Sera Car), i.e. the commission for marketing cars of car owners and offering them for rent:


And the approval of the (lease owner) and (the lessee) on the terms and conditions by using the website or electronic application is considered an acknowledgment of their agreement that Sierra Car is a car rental company for third parties (on commission), i.e. it is only a mediation company between the two parties as a link Among them, it received the approval of (the lessor owner) based on his desire to market his car to offer it for rent through the company’s website and application in exchange for 15% fifteen percent profits in favor of the company (Sera Car commission) of the total rental value received by the lessor owner for each The process of leasing his car through rental requests sent to him through the company’s website and application, provided that the remaining profits, which are 85% and eighty-five percent, are in favor of the owner of the lease.


Vehicle Owner >> Any user who has filled out all the mandatory fields in the Owner Registration Form on the Website, and has successfully listed his vehicle on the Application, as described in the Owner's Supplementary Conditions.


Rental Agreement >> The agreement between the owner and the lessee at the time of receipt under the form provided by Seera and available on the website for printing and use, which governs the relationship between the owner of the vehicle and its lessee.


Rental Fees >> Fees payable by the lessee to the owner of the vehicle, in return for renting the vehicle for the agreed rental period.


Rental period >> It is the period during which the owner's vehicle is in the possession of the renter during the trip, and this period starts from the date of receipt and ends at the date of delivery or in the event of an accident, where the renter delivers the vehicle to one of the approved repair centers for repair, and he is obligated to pay his share of the total costs owed to the owner.


Renter >> Any user who has successfully completed the registration procedures of the renter on the Sierra Car website, as set out in the complementary terms of the renter, allowing him to rent vehicles from the owners.


Journey >> The agreed period under which drivers offer driving services to passengers in accordance with the provisions of these conditions. This period begins with the beginning of the trip and ends with the end of the trip. The term “journey” can be used interchangeably with the trip period.


Vehicle >> The vehicle that its owner/owner lists and posts on the Website; to be rented by the tenant.


Users acknowledge - through the registration process using their personal data - that this data is correct and that it belongs to them and is already valid. Sira Car disclaims its responsibility in cases of non-verification and continuous and periodic follow-up of your e-mail, text messages or notifications sent to you, as the user is fully responsible for the privacy of his accounts and continuous follow-up to his email and phone.


Each user has the right to register an account under the capacity of owner or tenant in accordance with the supplementary conditions pertaining to the registration of each of the aforementioned categories of users. As a user, you can register under more than one category, but you cannot activate more than one account with the same contact data.


Seera Car will ask users to provide their personal data and information related to their cars to complete the procedures for verifying user accounts and their cars, provided that the collection of this information is 


And the method of using it as stipulated in the privacy policy, and Sierra Car has the right - during the registration process - to resort to search and verification procedures for users and their cars to prove the correctness and accuracy of the information provided, and Sierra Car has the right to refuse the request to register any user - that Sierra Car considers in its discretion and for reasonable reasons - It does not meet the stipulated conditions or what is stated in the supplementary conditions.


Data privacy >> You acknowledge that your use of our services constitutes consent to the collection and use of your personal data knowing that the collection and use of this data in the course of providing services is as stipulated in the privacy policy of sera car.


SeeraCar has the right to amend the conditions related to the services provided from time to time, and the amendments are effective and effective immediately after the publication of the updated version of the terms and conditions or supplementary conditions on the website or by e-mail, noting that your continued use of the services after publishing the modified or updated version of the Terms and Conditions It is considered an implied agreement by you to be bound by the terms and conditions or the supplemented conditions according to their latest amendment.


Your use of the services is considered an acceptance of our terms and an acknowledgment of your commitment to what is stated in them, and this acknowledgment is considered as your conclusion of a service contract with Seera, and the complementary conditions that are notified to you apply in relation to the services provided.


The supplementary terms form an integral part of the terms and conditions for the same services, provided that the supplementary terms are superseded in case they conflict with the terms and conditions, noting that if you do not agree to the terms and conditions, please stop using the site immediately.


The conditions contained herein are the conditions issued by the Sierra Car Company, and your use of the official website, which determine the relationship of Sierra Car with the tenant or the owner according to the position of each of them in the relationship arising between them at that time.


Pricing and Payment Management >> The range of vehicle rental fees is determined based on the vehicle's market value, and the owner has the ability to set and modify rental fees and trip prices for his vehicle within the fee range that is determined according to the market value.


Third parties may not be authorized to use your account, and you hereby acknowledge that you bear full responsibility for your account and any activities or transactions that take place through it, and you agree to maintain the confidentiality of the information related to the account, which includes the user name and password, and you also acknowledge that you are fully aware that if you allow For third parties, by using your account and its data in booking or listing cars on the website, you are fully responsible for any obligations that may arise from using your account or damages that may be incurred by you or due for compensation in favor of other users or in favor of Seera Car without prejudice to the right to take legal action against you and against The other user and the application of the maximum extent permitted by Egyptian law in addition to the above, and you also acknowledge that you agree to abide by all applicable laws when you use the services and that the use of the services will only be within the scope of legitimate purposes.

In connection with the use of the Seera Car platform and the conduct of trips, users also undertake not to do any of the following:


1_ Impersonating any person or entity.


2_ Causing harm or harassing any person by chasing or threatening him or carrying a weapon during the flight period.


3_ Violate any laws or regulations.


4_ Obstructing or disabling the servers or networks to which SeraCar is connected.


5_ Providing false or fraudulent registration documents or dealing with users through the site or during the trip in an abusive, defamatory, violent, sexual or illegal way.


6_ Violation of any third party rights, proprietary rights, or rights of publicity or privacy.


7_ Send or publish any malicious code, file or program with the intent to disrupt, damage or destroy the operations of the site.


8_ Confiscating or seizing any system, data or information through programs, computer equipment, or telecommunications equipment.


9_ Withholding the source of the information sent to the SeraCar website by forging or manipulating the data.


10_ Create any site that is identical to any of the parts of the platform or use Meta tag codes or any devices or codes that include any reference to the platform with the aim of directing any person to another website for any purpose without the prior approval or written permission of Sira Car.


11_ Modify, change, translate, use the reverse engineering mechanism, decompile, read the platform software, or disassemble any part thereof.


12_ Sublicensing, renting, lending, selling, redistributing or licensing the platform or any part thereof.


13_ Data processing, retrieval or exploration through the use of any automated or web applications, search engines, data retrieval or any other device, whether manual or automated.


14_ fraud in connection with the provision or structure of the platform or its contents.


15_ Transfer or sell the account, password, or data of the user or other users to third parties.


16_ Discriminating and harassing users on the basis of race, nationality, religion, or physical or mental disability


Registering false information This includes (1) entering false information including but not limited to name, identification number, date of birth, driver's license, vehicle license or any personal data (2) submitting false insurance documents (3) submitting unauthorized claim forms Incorrect (4) Impersonating any person or entity (5) Posting information that you do not intend to fulfill about the availability of the vehicle for rent (6) Assigning or transferring your account to any other user, person or entity.


BREAK ANY LAW: You agree and undertake not to (i) breach any local, regional or international laws (ii) use the Site or its contents for illegal purposes or in an unlawful manner (iii) post false or defamatory content (iv) use the Application legally 


commercial authority by posting or transmitting its content (v) deleting or attempting to use any of Sierra Car’s registered or unregistered trademarks, intellectual property rights, or copyrights (vi) distributing, selling or sublicensing any of the rights granted under these Terms and Conditions To any person (7) attempting to hack the website, software or servers.


You also represent and warrant: not to (i) impede the operations of the SeraCar software system, its servers, or any networks connected to it, (ii) distribute or transmit any unwanted electronic content such as spam, (iii) distribute or spread viruses or hacking codes (4) systematically and systematically obtaining data or any other content related to the services to create a database (5) deleting, disabling or manipulating the technical and technical measures set by SeeraCar to protect its services, (6) reversing the technologies of the system providing the services.


You also acknowledge and undertake to: >> (1) not use the user's information and data for the purpose of stalking or harassing him, (2) participating in or performing any offensive or threatening behavior verbally or physically, and (3) distributing or publishing any information belonging to other users without their permission.

(iv) Obstruction of operations,


You also acknowledge and undertake: Failure to fulfill obligations >> This includes (i) non-payment (ii) failure to follow reservation procedures and instructions as set out in the supplementary conditions (iii) use the services provided by Sira Car to communicate with the owner or renter and then complete the reservation and transaction independently Outside the scope of platform transactions in whole or in part in order to avoid paying the value of service fees or for any other reason (4) Failure to comply with returning the vehicle to the owner in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in the rental agreement (5) Breach of your obligations under the agreement.


The user acknowledges and warrants that he has read, understood and agreed to these terms and conditions and supplementary conditions as a whole.


Services >> Seera Car provides an arena and an electronic platform that allows site users to view and rent vehicles between users and owners directly under these terms and conditions. In addition, we do not provide transportation services or trips, and we do not provide any insurance services other than what is expressly stated. The responsibility of Sira Car is limited to (a) making available and providing the site and its services (b) facilitating the display and reservation of vehicles (c) acting as an authorized representative of the owner to receive payments from Drivers and as authorized for drivers in receiving payments from passengers (d) arranging for procedures. services and that the use of the services will only be within the scope of the project.


Governing Law and Dispute Settlement >> These terms and conditions and complementary conditions shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with the provisions of the laws in force in the Arab Republic of Egypt.


Severability >> In the event that any part of the terms are invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part for any reason, the rest of the parts remain valid and enforceable, and these terms represent the final agreement concluded between the parties (Sira Car, the owner and the lessee) and supersedes all previous agreements and undertakings regarding the subject This agreement.


SeeraCar advises users to be careful when determining the information that will be displayed to other users through the site or during the trip in the event that any user obtains information about another user with the aim of harming or harming him. SeeraCar bears no responsibility in this regard, regardless of the action taken.


Under no circumstances will SeeraCar be liable for any loss or damage that may arise from the user's reliance on any information, opinions, advice, statements or offers published by any third party on the platform. SeeraCar shall not bear any obligation towards any materials published on the SeeraCar platform, but reserves the right to monitor the materials published on its platform and to delete from it what it deems to be a violation of the terms and conditions of this agreement or that may bear an offensive nature, be illegal or that may cause harm.


Tax registration number 708-988-695


* Terms and conditions apply *